Cocooning - VR hearing properties
out of body listening
“The eye leads man into the world, the ear introduces the world into man.“ Lorenz Oken, 1779 - 1851 German natural scientist and philosopher
Artistic experimental research on VR hearing properties in cooperation with Saha Hadid Architects: Always ready, emphatic, precise - but also vulnerable. Our hearing in VR is not only a set of inputs in terms of a virtual audio interface.
Ears are bridging reality and virtuality by evolution. In virtuality audio remains an unchanged fact and thus a substantial link to the real world. Avatar properties and capabilities of our hearing will determine ways we interact with each other and with everything else in VR.
What virtual hearing properties should be derived from our physical world and else which capabilities are yet to be envisioned and synthesized? How can we technically enhance sympathetic listening? How can we generate an out-of-body listening experience and walk a mile with another´s eardrums?
Prototyping, Creative Engineering, Sound Design, Consulting VR Sound
Partner: Saha Hadid Architects, London